Octet Stream Converter

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Hello I am integrating with Apple's GSX API's, and one of the functions allows you to download a PDF of a 'DepotShippingLabel' which we need to send faulty parts off to Apple. The data is sent as an application/octet-stream. I have tried saving that data into a FileMaker field, and then using 'Export Field Contents' to a path that resolved to Get ( DesktopPath) & 'mypdf.pdf' However, the resulting file is not recognised by Preview or Acrobat.

Does anyone know how I can convert this type of data into a usable file using Filemaker (or an custom/plugin functions)? I can't post the whole data here as it contains sensitive data, but below is the beginning and end of it, just so you can see what sort of data I am being given by Apple. It is just plain text that I have moved into a text field. JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNCAwIG9 k+PgpzdGFydHhyZWYKMjQwOQolJUVPRgo= Any hints or tips would be appreciated! Hello All, The attached file is the simulation of my excel worksheets. I have three (3) accounts Admin, John & Lola all the three (3) accounts has no password. In my layout 'ReportsEquipmentTime', I want that If I click the 'project x equipment' button I will see only the record of the current account that is login. Band Solution Design I am trying to create a filemaker solution for my band.


I have been unable to find a pre-made solution that does everything I want, so I am going to try and create my own using filemaker. I am looking for advice on what tables and structure I should use, before I start. Entities Band Members - I need contact info and a history of money I have paid them from any gigs Clients - People that hire us for gigs. I need to send them a press kit in hopes of getting hired. Invoice them, and send a receipt. Fans - Marketing to these people, email, text, social media, etc.

Can a fan also be a client? Yes, but it is pretty rare. I am thinking if a fan happens to be a client as well, they should probably be in both tables. I am not 100% on whether or not Fans and clients can be in the same table Assets - An inventory of our equipment owned for tracking and insurance purposes Merchandise - We sell shirts, hoodies, hats, etc, at our gigs. Invoice - We need to be able to invoice our merchandise and invoice our clients for our services (Performing gigs) Our merchandise is sold by us and has nothing to do with the clients. Songs - A table to keep info on all songs we play. Containers with pdf’s, mp3’s, song information, etc.

This info will be shared with band members through email. Build reports to show clients what songs we play. Calendar - Track gigs and practices and band member availability. Hopefully I can have the calendar sync the gigs to an external calendar on our websites. Any other information, would be for band members only. Practices and availability should not be seen on any external calendars.

Band members should be able to log in and block dates they are not available so I know when I can’t schedule a gig. Main questions from this are Should our services and merchandise we sell be in the same table? On a side not, the price of our services is not a set price but negotiated for every gig. There are too many variables to be able to have a set price advertised.

Content Type Application Octet Stream


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In other words, I can’t have, “2 hours of music for $500”. One gig might be 10 minutes away, require none of our sound equipment, while another is an hour away, requires us to bring everything, and members need a hotel for night. So every gig fee is negotiated.

Application Octet Stream Converter

Are Clients and Fans in the same table? My feeling is no, but I could be wrong The Calendar table.


Band members need to see everything on this, and be able to block dates. The gigs listed on this table should sync with external calendars on our website, etc. I am not even sure Filemaker can handle this kind of calendar application, but if so, why not try? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dave.