Desmita Psikologi Perkembangan Pdf

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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the big five personality types (extraversion, agreableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness to experience) and work-family conflict on women nurses. Subjects in this study were female nurses who have been married and have children in the Makassar Police Hospitals 75 people.

Based on the results of data analysis showed that there was no correlation between extraversion with work-family conflict on women's care, p=0,175, with correlation coefficient, r = -0.158. There is no correlation between a greableness with work-family conflict in nurses woman (p=0,052) with a correlation coefficient (r = -0.225). There was a negative relationship between conscientiousness factor with work-family conflict on women's care with work-family conflict on women's care with correlation coefficient (r = - 0.321) and (p = 0.004). Neuroticism factors positively associated with work-family conflict on women's care with correlation coefficient (r = 0.330) and (p = 0.869). Factors openness to experience is not related to the work-family conflict female nurses with a correlation coefficient (r = - 0.019) and conscientiousness with work-family conflict on women’s care.

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Johanna, R., Lea., Pulkkinen., & Ulla, K. The big five personality dimensions, work-family conflict, and psychological distress: A longitudinal view. Journal of Individual Differences, 26(3):155-166.

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A., & Wesley, R. Personality as a determinant of work-family conflict. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 7(5). Metode penelitian pendidikan. Cubase 5.1 free download. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Pengaruh konflik peran ganda (pekerjaan- keluarga) dan stress kerja terhadap kinerja: Sebuah study terhadap perawat wanita di RSUD Salatiga. (Tesis tidak diterbitkan) semarang: Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga. H., Musicca, N., & Fleeson, W.

Considering the role of personality in the work-family experience: Relationship of the big five to work family-conflikand facilitation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, (64) 108-130. Yusuf, S., & Nurihsan, J. Teori kepribadian.

Psikologi perkembangan peserta didik desmita pdf

Remaja Rosdakarya. Zhao, H., & Seibert, S. The big five personality dimensions and entrepreneurial status: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(2), 259-271.

Desmet Psikologi Perkembangan Pdf Gratis

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